The following fonts are installed and enabled automatically by macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. Additional fonts are available for download or as needed by your document or app.
It might be easier to install OS X on an external hard drive and replace the corrupted fonts (that cannot be fixed) with the clean versions in the OS X (macOS now) install. Of course you will need some basic knowledge about where OS X installs fonts before you can do this properly. FontDoctor's weakest aspect is font organization. Download Gotham Narrow font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Click Title for torrent Fast Download Source Gotham by Hoefler & Co – Font 14. Gotham was introduced in 2000 by professional designers Frere-Jones and Hoefler.
- Al Bayan Bold 13.0d1e6
- Al Bayan Plain 13.0d1e6
- Al Nile 13.0d2e2
- Al Nile Bold 13.0d2e2
- Al Tarikh Regular 13.0d2e1
- American Typewriter 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Bold 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed Bold 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed Light 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Light 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Semibold 13.0d1e4
- Andale Mono Version 2.00x
- Apple Braille 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Chancery 13.0d1e4
- Apple Color Emoji 13.2d1e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Bold 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Light 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Regular 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo SemiBold 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo UltraLight 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD GothicNeo ExtraBold 13.0d1e9
- Apple Symbols 13.0d1e7
- AppleGothic Regular 13.0d1e3
- AppleMyungjo Regular 13.0d1e6
- Arial Version 5.01.2x
- Arial Black Version 5.00.1x
- Arial Bold Version 5.01.2x
- Arial Bold Italic Version 5.00.2x
- Arial Hebrew 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Bold 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Light 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Bold 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Light 13.0d1e1
- Arial Italic Version 5.00.2x
- Arial Narrow Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold Italic Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Italic Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Rounded MT Bold Version 1.51x
- Arial Unicode MS Version 1.01x
- Avenir Black 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Black Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Book 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Book Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Heavy 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Heavy Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Light 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Light Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Medium 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Medium Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Next Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Regular 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Demi Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Heavy 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Heavy Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Medium 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Medium Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Regular 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Ultra Light 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Ultra Light Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Roman 13.0d3e1
- Ayuthaya 13.0d1e7
- Baghdad Regular 13.0d1e5
- Bangla MN 13.0d1e5
- Bangla MN Bold 13.0d1e5
- Bangla Sangam MN 13.0d1e5
- Bangla Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e5
- Baskerville 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Bold 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Italic 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville SemiBold 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville SemiBold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Beirut Regular 13.0d1e6
- Big Caslon Medium 13.0d1e11
- Bodoni 72 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni Ornaments 13.0d2e1
- Bradley Hand Bold 13.0d1e2
- Brush Script MT Italic Version 1.52x-1
- Chalkboard 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard Bold 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Bold 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Light 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Regular 13.0d1e2
- Chalkduster 13.0d2e1
- Charter Black 14.0d2e1
- Charter Black Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Bold 14.0d2e1
- Charter Bold Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Roman 14.0d2e1
- Cochin 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Bold 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Italic 13.0d2e1
- Comic Sans MS Version 5.00x
- Comic Sans MS Bold Version 5.00x
- Copperplate 13.0d1e2
- Copperplate Bold 13.0d1e2
- Copperplate Light 13.0d1e2
- Corsiva Hebrew 13.0d1e4
- Corsiva Hebrew Bold 13.0d1e4
- Courier 13.0d1e1
- Courier Bold 13.0d1e1
- Courier Bold Oblique 13.0d1e1
- Courier New Version 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold Version 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold Italic Version 5.00x
- Courier New Italic Version 5.00.1x
- Courier Oblique 13.0d1e1
- DIN Alternate Bold 13.0d3e1
- DIN Condensed Bold 13.2d2e1
- Damascus Bold 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Light 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Medium 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Regular 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Semi Bold 13.0d3e9
- DecoType Naskh Regular 13.0d1e4
- Devanagari MT 13.0d1e3
- Devanagari MT Bold 13.0d1e3
- Devanagari Sangam MN 13.0d1e2
- Devanagari Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e2
- Didot 13.0d1e3
- Didot Bold 13.0d1e3
- Didot Italic 13.0d1e3
- Diwan Kufi Regular 13.0d2e1
- Diwan Thuluth Regular 13.0d1e5
- Euphemia UCAS 13.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Bold 13.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Italic 13.0d1e2
- Farah Regular 13.0d2e3
- Farisi Regular 13.0d1e3
- Futura Bold 13.0d1e3
- Futura Condensed ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- Futura Condensed Medium 13.0d1e3
- Futura Medium 13.0d1e3
- Futura Medium Italic 13.0d1e3
- GB18030 Bitmap 13.0d1e1
- Geeza Pro Bold 14.0d1e4
- Geeza Pro Regular 14.0d1e4
- Geneva 13.0d2e1
- Georgia Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold Italic Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Italic Version 5.00x-4
- Gill Sans 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Bold 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Light 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Light Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans SemiBold 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans SemiBold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans UltraBold 13.0d1e4
- Gujarati MT 13.0d1e2
- Gujarati MT Bold 13.0d1e2
- Gujarati Sangam MN 13.1d0e4
- Gujarati Sangam MN Bold 13.1d0e4
- Gurmukhi MN 13.0d2e1
- Gurmukhi MN Bold 13.0d2e1
- Gurmukhi MT 13.0d1e4
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN 13.0d1e3
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e3
- Heiti SC Light 13.0d1e1
- Heiti SC Medium 13.0d1e1
- Heiti TC Light 13.0d1e1
- Heiti TC Medium 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica Bold 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica Bold Oblique 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica Light 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica Light Oblique 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Bold 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Bold Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Light 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Light Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Medium 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Medium Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Thin 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue Thin Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic 13.0d2e2
- Helvetica Oblique 13.0d1e1
- Herculanum 13.0d1e2
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4 13.0d1e3
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W3 13.0d2e9
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W6 13.0d2e9
- Hiragino Sans GB W3 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans GB W6 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans W0 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W1 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W2 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W3 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W4 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W5 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W6 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W7 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W8 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Sans W9 13.0d2e7
- Hoefler Text 13.0d2e20
- Hoefler Text Black 13.0d2e20
- Hoefler Text Black Italic 13.0d2e20
- Hoefler Text Italic 13.0d2e20
- Hoefler Text Ornaments 13.0d2e20
- ITF Devanagari Bold 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Book 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Demi 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Light 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Bold 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Book 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Demi 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Light 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Medium 13.0d3e1
- ITF Devanagari Medium 13.0d3e1
- Impact Version 5.00x
- InaiMathi 13.0d1e5
- InaiMathi Bold 13.0d1e5
- Kailasa Bold 13.0d1e3
- Kailasa Regular 13.0d1e3
- Kannada MN 13.0d2e1
- Kannada MN Bold 13.0d2e1
- Kannada Sangam MN 13.0d2e1
- Kannada Sangam MN Bold 13.0d2e1
- Kefa Bold 13.0d1e3
- Kefa Regular 13.0d1e3
- Khmer MN 13.0d1e3
- Khmer MN Bold 13.0d1e3
- Khmer Sangam MN 13.0d1e4
- Kohinoor Bangla 13.0d2e1
- Kohinoor Bangla Bold 13.0d2e1
- Kohinoor Bangla Light 13.0d2e1
- Kohinoor Bangla Medium 13.0d2e1
- Kohinoor Bangla Semibold 13.0d2e1
- Kohinoor Devanagari Bold 13.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Light 13.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Medium 13.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Regular 13.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Semibold 13.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Telugu 13.0d1e5
- Kohinoor Telugu Bold 13.0d1e5
- Kohinoor Telugu Light 13.0d1e5
- Kohinoor Telugu Medium 13.0d1e5
- Kohinoor Telugu Semibold 13.0d1e5
- Kokonor Regular 13.0d1e3
- Krungthep 13.0d2e1
- KufiStandardGK Regular 13.0d1e11
- Lao MN 13.0d1e5
- Lao MN Bold 13.0d1e5
- Lao Sangam MN 13.0d1e3
- Lucida Grande 13.0d1e1
- Lucida Grande Bold 13.0d1e1
- Luminari 13.0d1e2
- Malayalam MN 13.0d4e1
- Malayalam MN Bold 13.0d4e1
- Malayalam Sangam MN 13.0d4e1
- Malayalam Sangam MN Bold 13.0d4e1
- Marker Felt Thin 13.0d1e11
- Marker Felt Wide 13.0d1e11
- Menlo Bold 13.0d1e3
- Menlo Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Menlo Italic 13.0d1e3
- Menlo Regular 13.0d1e3
- Microsoft Sans Serif Version 5.00.1x
- Mishafi Gold Regular 13.0d2e1
- Mishafi Regular 13.0d2e1
- Monaco 13.0d1e2
- Mshtakan 13.0d1e3
- Mshtakan Bold 13.0d1e3
- Mshtakan BoldOblique 13.0d1e3
- Mshtakan Oblique 13.0d1e3
- Muna Black 13.0d1e4
- Muna Bold 13.0d1e4
- Muna Regular 13.0d1e4
- Myanmar MN 13.0d1e2
- Myanmar MN Bold 13.0d1e2
- Myanmar Sangam MN 13.0d1e2
- Myanmar Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e2
- Nadeem Regular 13.0d1e3
- New Peninim MT 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Bold 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Bold Inclined 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Inclined 13.0d1e4
- Noteworthy Bold 13.0d1e11
- Noteworthy Light 13.0d1e11
- Noto Nastaliq Urdu 13.0d1e2
- Optima Bold 13.0d1e2
- Optima Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Optima ExtraBlack 13.0d1e2
- Optima Italic 13.0d1e2
- Optima Regular 13.0d1e2
- Oriya MN 13.0d3e1
- Oriya MN Bold 13.0d3e1
- Oriya Sangam MN 13.0d3e1
- Oriya Sangam MN Bold 13.0d3e1
- PT Mono 13.0d2e4
- PT Mono Bold 13.0d2e4
- PT Sans 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Bold Italic 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Caption 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Caption Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Italic 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Narrow 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Narrow Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Serif 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Bold 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Caption 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Caption Italic 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Italic 13.0d2e1
- Palatino 13.0d1e2
- Palatino Bold 13.0d1e2
- Palatino Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Palatino Italic 13.0d1e2
- Papyrus 13.0d1e2
- Papyrus Condensed 13.0d1e2
- Phosphate Inline 13.0d1e2
- Phosphate Solid 13.0d1e2
- PingFang HK Light 13.0d1e3
- PingFang HK Medium 13.0d1e3
- PingFang HK Regular 13.0d1e3
- PingFang HK Semibold 13.0d1e3
- PingFang HK Thin 13.0d1e3
- PingFang HK Ultralight 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Light 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Medium 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Regular 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Semibold 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Thin 13.0d1e3
- PingFang SC Ultralight 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Light 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Medium 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Regular 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Semibold 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Thin 13.0d1e3
- PingFang TC Ultralight 13.0d1e3
- Plantagenet Cherokee 13.0d1e3
- Raanana 13.0d1e3
- Raanana Bold 13.0d1e3
- Rockwell 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Bold 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Italic 13.0d2e1
- STIXGeneral-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-BoldItalic Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Italic Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Italic Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STSong 13.0d3e2
- Sana Regular 13.0d1e4
- Sathu 13.0d1e2
- Savoye LET Plain:1.0 13.0d2e4
- Shree Devanagari 714 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Italic 13.0d2e1
- SignPainter-HouseScript 13.0d1e5
- SignPainter-HouseScript Semibold 13.0d1e5
- Silom 13.0d2e1
- Sinhala MN 13.0d1e2
- Sinhala MN Bold 13.0d1e2
- Sinhala Sangam MN 13.0d1e2
- Sinhala Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e2
- Skia Black 13.0d1e54
- Skia Black Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Black Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Bold 13.0d1e54
- Skia Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Regular 13.0d1e54
- Snell Roundhand 13.0d1e1
- Snell Roundhand Black 13.0d1e1
- Snell Roundhand Bold 13.0d1e1
- Songti SC Black 13.0d3e2
- Songti SC Bold 13.0d3e2
- Songti SC Light 13.0d3e2
- Songti SC Regular 13.0d3e2
- Songti TC Bold 13.0d3e2
- Songti TC Light 13.0d3e2
- Songti TC Regular 13.0d3e2
- Sukhumvit Set Bold 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Light 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Medium 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Semi Bold 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Text 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Thin 13.0d1e6
- Symbol 13.0d2e2
- Tahoma Version 5.01.2x
- Tahoma Bold Version 5.01.1x
- Tamil MN 13.0d2e1
- Tamil MN Bold 13.0d2e1
- Tamil Sangam MN 13.0d2e14
- Tamil Sangam MN Bold 13.0d2e14
- Telugu MN 13.0d1e3
- Telugu MN Bold 13.0d1e3
- Telugu Sangam MN 13.0d1e5
- Telugu Sangam MN Bold 13.0d1e5
- Thonburi 13.0d1e1
- Thonburi Bold 13.0d1e1
- Thonburi Light 13.0d1e1
- Times Bold 13.0d2e19
- Times Bold Italic 13.0d2e19
- Times Italic 13.0d2e19
- Times New Roman Version 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold Version 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold Italic Version 5.00.3x
- Times New Roman Italic Version 5.00.3x
- Times Roman 13.0d2e19
- Trattatello 13.0d2e2
- Trebuchet MS Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Italic Version 5.00x
- Verdana Version 5.01x
- Verdana Bold Version 5.01x
- Verdana Bold Italic Version 5.01x
- Verdana Italic Version 5.01x
- Waseem Light 13.0d1e2
- Waseem Regular 13.0d1e2
- Webdings Version 5.00x
- Wingdings Version 5.00x
- Wingdings 2 Version 1.55x
- Wingdings 3 Version 1.55x
- Zapf Dingbats 13.0d1e2
- Zapfino 13.0d1e2
Fonts available for download in High Sierra
To download and enable any of these fonts:
- Open Font Book from your Applications folder.
- Select All Fonts in the sidebar, or use the Search field to find the font that you want to download. Fonts that aren't already downloaded appear dimmed in the list of fonts.
- Select the dimmed font and choose Edit > Download, or Control-click it and choose Download from the pop-up menu.
- Apple LiGothic Medium 13.0d2e6
- Apple LiSung Light 13.0d1e2
- Baoli SC Regular 13.0d3e1
- Baoli TC Regular 13.0d3e1
- BiauKai 13.0d1e2
- GungSeo Regular 13.0d1e3
- Hannotate SC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate TC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- HanziPen SC Bold 13.0d2e1
- HanziPen SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- HanziPen TC Bold 13.0d2e1
- HanziPen TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- HeadLineA Regular 13.0d3e1
- Hei Regular 13.0d1e4
- Hiragino Sans CNS W3 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans CNS W6 13.0d2e3
- Kai Regular 13.0d1e2
- Kaiti SC Black 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti SC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti SC Regular 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Black 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Regular 13.0d2e2
- Klee Demibold 13.0d1e4
- Klee Medium 13.0d1e4
- Lantinghei SC Demibold 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei SC Extralight 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei SC Heavy 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei TC Demibold 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei TC Heavy 13.0d2e1
- LiHei Pro 13.0d1e2
- LiSong Pro 13.0d1e1
- Libian SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Libian TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- LingWai SC Medium 13.0d1e3
- LingWai TC Medium 13.0d1e2
- Myriad Arabic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Semibold 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Semibold Italic 13.0d1e1
- Nanum Brush Script 13.0d1e3
- Nanum Pen Script 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic Bold 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo Bold 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- Osaka 13.0d1e1
- Osaka-Mono 13.0d1e1
- PCMyungjo Regular 13.0d2e1
- PilGi Regular 13.0d2e5
- STFangsong 13.0d1e1
- STHeiti 13.0d1e2
- STIX Two Math Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Bold Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Bold Italic Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Italic Version 2.00 b137
- STKaiti 13.0d2e2
- STXihei 13.0d1e6
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Demibold 13.0d2e3
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Regular 13.0d2e3
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Gothic Extrabold 13.0d2e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Mincho Extrabold 13.0d2e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Mincho Regular 13.0d2e2
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Bold 13.0d1e2
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Regular 13.0d1e2
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Bold 13.0d1e2
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Regular 13.0d1e2
- Wawati SC Regular 13.0d1e2
- Wawati TC Regular 13.0d1e1
- Weibei SC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Weibei TC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Xingkai SC Bold 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai SC Light 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai TC Bold 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai TC Light 13.0d3e3
- YuGothic Bold 12.0d2e8
- YuGothic Medium 12.0d2e8
- YuKyokasho Bold 13.0d2e3
- YuKyokasho Medium 13.0d2e3
- YuKyokasho Yoko Bold 13.0d2e3
- YuKyokasho Yoko Medium 13.0d2e3
- YuMincho +36p Kana Demibold 13.0d1e3
- YuMincho +36p Kana Extrabold 13.0d1e3
- YuMincho +36p Kana Medium 13.0d1e3
- YuMincho Demibold 13.0d1e3
- YuMincho Extrabold 13.0d1e3
- YuMincho Medium 13.0d1e3
- Yuanti SC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Yuanti SC Light 13.0d2e1
- Yuanti SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Yuanti TC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Yuanti TC Light 13.0d2e1
- Yuanti TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Yuppy SC Regular 13.0d1e1
- Yuppy TC Regular 13.0d1e1
Fonts available for document support in High Sierra
These fonts are available only in documents that already use the font, or in apps that request the font by name. Some are older fonts that were included with earlier versions of the Mac operating system or Apple apps.
- Academy Engraved LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e2
- Al Firat Regular 13.0d2e10
- Al Khalil Bold 13.0d2e3
- Al Khalil Regular 13.0d2e3
- Al Rafidain Al Fanni 13.0d2e2
- Al Rafidain Regular 13.0d2e1
- Algiers Regular 13.0d2e1
- Asphalt Medium 13.1d1e1
- Athelas Bold 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Italic 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Regular 13.0d1e3
- Balega Regular 13.0d1e4
- Bank Gothic Light 13.0d1e3
- Bank Gothic Medium 13.0d1e3
- Basra Bold 13.0d1e3
- Basra Regular 13.0d1e3
- Bebas Neue 13.0d1e1
- Blackmoor LET Plain:2.0 13.0d1e4
- BlairMdITC TT Medium 13.0d1e2
- Bodoni 72 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni Ornaments 13.0d2e1
- Book Antiqua 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Bold 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Italic 13.0d1e2
- Bookman Old Style 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Bold 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Italic 13.0d1e3
- Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Plain 13.0d3e2
- Bradley Hand Bold 13.0d1e2
- Braganza 13.0d1e3
- Capitals 13.0d1e2
- Century Gothic 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Bold 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Italic 13.0d1e4
- Century Schoolbook 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Italic 13.0d1e2
- Charcoal CY 13.0d1e2
- Dear Joe Four 13.0d2e4
- Dear Joe Four Small 13.0d2e4
- Dear Joe Four Small Semibold 13.0d2e4
- Dijla Regular 13.0d2e1
- Druk Heavy Italic 13.0d1e2
- Fakt Slab Stencil Pro Medium 13.0d3e7
- Forgotten Futurist Bold 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Italic 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Regular 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Shadow 13.0d1e3
- Garamond 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Bold 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Italic 13.0d1e2
- Geneva CY 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica CY Bold 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY BoldOblique 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY Oblique 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY Plain 13.0d1e2
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W6 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8 13.0d2e7
- Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4 13.0d1e3
- Hiragino Mincho Pro W3 13.0d2e9
- Hiragino Mincho Pro W6 13.0d2e9
- Hopper Script Regular 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Black 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Black Italic 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Bold 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Italic 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Roman 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Titling 13.0d1e4
- Jazz LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e3
- Journal Sans New Inline 13.0d4e1
- Koufi Abjadi Regular 13.0d1e5
- Laimoon Regular 13.0d1e5
- Lantinghei TC Extralight 13.0d2e1
- Marion Bold 13.0d1e2
- Marion Italic 13.0d1e2
- Marion Regular 13.0d1e2
- Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT 13.0d3e2
- Nisan Regular 13.0d1e4
- Noto Sans Avestan Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Balinese Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Bamum Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Batak Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Brahmi Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Buginese Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Buhid Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Carian Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Cham Version 1.01 uh
- Noto Sans Coptic Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Cuneiform Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Cypriot Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Glagolitic Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Gothic Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Hanunoo Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Javanese Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Kaithi Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Kayah Li Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Kharoshthi Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Lepcha Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Limbu Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Linear B Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Lisu Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Lycian Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Lydian Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Mandaic Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Meetei Mayek Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Mongolian Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans NKo Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans New Tai Lue Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Ogham Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Ol Chiki Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Old Italic Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Old Persian Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Old South Arabian Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Old Turkic Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Osmanya Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Phags Pa Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Phoenician Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Rejang Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Runic Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Samaritan Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Saurashtra Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Shavian Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Sundanese Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Syloti Nagri Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Syriac Eastern Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Tagalog Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Tagbanwa Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Le Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Tham Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Viet Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Thaana Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Tifinagh Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Ugaritic Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Vai Version 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Yi Version 1.02 uh
- Party LET Plain 13.0d1e2
- PortagoITC TT 13.0d1e4
- Princetown LET 13.0d1e2
- Raya Regular 13.0d1e4
- Santa Fe LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e3
- Scheme-Bold 13.0d3e1
- SchoolHouse Cursive B 13.0d1e1
- SchoolHouse Printed A 13.0d1e1
- Seravek 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Bold 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Bold Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek ExtraLight 13.0d3e2
- Seravek ExtraLight Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Light 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Light Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Medium 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Medium Italic 13.0d3e2
- Somer Regular 13.0d1e4
- Stone Sans ITC TT Bold 13.0d2e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT Semi 13.0d2e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT SemiIta 13.0d2e1
- Superclarendon Black 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Black Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Bold 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Light 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Light Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Regular 13.0d1e4
- Synchro LET 13.0d4e1
- The Hand Serif Semibold 13.1d1e1
- Tw Cen MT 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Bold 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Italic 13.0d1e2
- Type Embellishments One LET Embellishments One LET Plain:1.0 13.0d2e7
- Yaziji Regular 13.0d1e4
- Zawra Bold 13.0d1e5
- Zawra Heavy 13.0d1e5
Learn more
You can use Font Book to install and preview fonts, validate and resolve duplicate fonts, and restore the standard fonts that came with High Sierra. For more information about Font Book, choose Font Book Help from the Help menu in Font Book.
High Sierra installs fonts in these folders on your Mac:
- The Library folder in your System folder: /System/Library/Fonts. These fonts are required by your Mac and can't be disabled in Font Book.
- The Library folder at the top level of your hard drive: /Library/Fonts.
From Maths to Graphics on Mac OS X
Starting point
Adobe Illustrator (this page is mostly about CS 3 because that's the last version I bought) is a vector graphics program that comes in handy when you want to create or editPostsccript/EPS or PDF figures, e.g., for a scientific presentation or publication. I'm not makingany statements about how or if this software is better than others - it's discussed here becauseI've been running it since version 6 and therefore have gotten used to it. Scroll down to the endfor alternative (free) graphics programs. In particular, I would strongly recommend looking into Inkscape as a free alternative, and a simple, browser-based relative of it, SVG-Edit (see the discusssion below).
Scenarios in which you may need a program like this are:
- Touching up images and plots produced by your favorite numerical code (including Mathematica etc.)for publication: adding labels, legends, arrows etc.
- Creating diagrams or graphics elements from scratch, e.g. for use with Keynote, Apple's presentation software. Keynote itself does not havesufficient graphics editing capabilities for most people's taste, but it is straighforward to copymaterial directly from Illustrator into Keynote. I use this even for simple things like arrows etc.
For a quick, to-the-point introduction to Illustrator, check out this link; it assumes a much older version of Illustrator, but this has the advantage that there isn't too much extra baggage dealing with advanced features introduced in later versions. Sometimes it's good to go back to basics.
Issues and solutions
This page has grown quite long. The reason is that I am addressing issues related to a proprietary application (Illustrator) whose inner workings are not open to inspection. So what happens is that the user stumbles upon an issue and has to make some educated guesses as to what's wrong. Since I can't change the software that's causing the trouble, all I can do is to classify the various combinations of circumstances under which the issues arises, and address solutions one by one.
Here is a list of issues with Adobe Illustrator on Mac OS X for whichfixes or workarounds are known. I'll then give the quick fixes for these problems, followed by some more technical fixes that lead to more flexibility in manipulating the graphics object:
- LaTeX fonts are not displayed correctly (replaced by a 'default font' which usually has no correspondence to the intended expression). Below is an example of a page from a LaTeX font survey, read into Adobe Illustrator without any additional processing:
The text is supposed to be a serif font, and the lines at the bottom are supposed to reproduce the greek alphabet. Obviously, this is not what you see. To see how this output was supposed to look, refer to the fixed version below.
The quick fixes:
- Place a file
LaTeX and Mathematica font problems can be circumvented by using
from Illustrator'sFile
menu to bring EPS or PDF files into a document. The difference to theOpen
action is that a placed file is not editable within Illustrator. Click this link to see what this looks like (for a multi-page PDF document, you get to choose which page to place).The big advantage is that Illustrator now does not have to try and make all the fonts in that figure available via theType
tool, and there will thus be no font substitutions. This only avoids the problem but doesn't solve it. It's useful only if you intend to embed your final Illustrator output as PDF or EPS into a LaTeX file, because if the original placed file is itself created with LaTeX then its fonts should cause no problems when fed back into a LaTeX in the form of an included graphic. - Strip away the fonts
A more useful and very reliable procedure is to strip off all embedded fonts from the document before opening in Illustrator. This requires an additional step which I'll describe here for a LaTeX document; the analogous procedure is described for Mathematica on a separate page (that's where I initially discovered this trick; then I adapted it in response to a question on the Mac OS X TeX mailing list).
Assume you have generated a file
in the Terminal. The result is a fileMyfile.pdf
followed bydvipdf
), then run the
which you can then open in Illustrator. Text will be converted into vector outlines; this has the consequence that in contrast to the first solution ('placing' an file), the complete contents of the document are editable like any other graphics object. You can change the color and other attributes of individual symbols, scale formulas and do all the beautiful free-hand manipulations that Illustrator is so good at.Since February 2006, this method is also part of LaTeXiT, a small front-end for LaTeX typesetting. If you enter a formula in LaTeXit, the PDF output can by copied onto the clipboard in the form of a converted PDF with the fonts stripped off, by choosing 'Copy as outlined PDF' from the
menu.I have created a small application called FontBegone that performs the above operation and then converts the file back to
format. The difference to LaTeXiT is that you can use my program on any PDF file, even multi-page documents downloaded from the net. This can be useful not only in conjunction with Illustrator, but also for sending the file to printers that have problems with your fonts.- The program is activated by dropping a
file onto the icon. The output file has the same base name as the input file, but with the ending-nofont.pdf
. Alternatively, in the latest version, you can also activate the program without dragging anything onto it; in that case,FontBegone
looks forPDF
content on thepasteboard
and replaces that by the outlined version. - Download the application on this separate page.
To illustrate how this method works, return to the example given earlier, and compare with the fixed version, processed withFontBegone:
- The program is activated by dropping a
The 'Home Improvement' solutions:
Using Place...
in Illustrator, you can still annotate or mask parts of the placed image, but you cannot, e.g., directly change the color of a line in the plot, or make the labels bigger. Also, when sending a document to someone without the necessary fonts installed, a placed file might again cause trouble. Instead, if Illustrator has converted text into vector graphics outlines, these are independent of specific font installations, and you have the 'surgical' freedom to edit attributes such as color, size, transparency etc. Therefore, if you're content to have all your text in the form of graphics outlines, then the quick fix no. 2 above should be the best solution.
If, on the other hand, your goal is to maintain as much as possible of the textual information in the form of character fonts, then there's more work to do; before going on with these home improvement suggestions, note that fonts you installed for Illustrator may not show up properly on somebody else's computer.
To avoid even the remotest possibility of this, export
(or save as...
) the final EPS
or PDF
version of your graphic only after converting all text to outlines with the menu item Type > Create Outlines
. Keep a 'master' copy with the same name but extension .ai
, in which text has not been converted to outlines so that you can make textual changes on it and re-export if needed.

LaTeX fonts are not displayed correctly
First, how do you get LaTeX into Illustrator in editable form? You need a LaTeX typesetting program, and some options for this are discussed on a separate page about scientific presentations. Let's assume you use TexShop. Illustrator could receive data in PDF in two ways:
- In the TeXShop PDF viewer, select a rectangle containing the data to transfer. To get this rectangle into Illustrator, one has to take a little detour: choose
from the teTeX menu and open Preview. PressingApple-N
creates a new window with the copied part of the LaTeX document. Save this as a PDF file from Preview, and drag the result onto the Illustrator icon. This will open a new Illustrator window with the desired part of your LaTeX output. - Alternatively, you could use LaTeX Equation Editor, Equation Service or LaTeXiT to type a formula and drag it into Illustrator. This involves no manually created intermediate files on the disk.
The problem in both cases is that Illustrator will substitute all Computer Modern fonts (used by LaTeX) with its own defaults which generally creates a mess. In LaTeX, you can choose to use different fonts that are not the original Computer Modern, but this by itself only helps if these fonts happen to be available to Illustrator somehow.
To fix this, we need to provide additional fonts to Mac OS X. Here are three solutions (they can also be combined). I'll summarize them first, then follows a detailed description.
- Feed Computer Modern Fonts to Illustrator (works with Illustrator CS - CS3)
- Switch to Mathtime/Belleek fonts (works with all Illustrator CS - CS3)
- Install the StiX fonts (works with Illustrator CS3)
- If you must use Computer Modern fonts in your LaTeX source, then download the
TeX-Illustrator Fonts
and do one or both of the following:- Drag the whole Folder into the Directory
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/Reqrd/
. After restaring Illustrator, the fonts should be available. You can of course also install these fonts system-wide using Font Book, but there is no advantage in that unless you plan to use TeX fonts outside of Illustrator. - Since some of the more infrequent font sizes are missing among the TeX-Illustrator fonts, it may be necessary to add the following in the preamble of your LaTeX file:
This replaces missing fonts by rescaled versions of other existing fonts.
This is still not perfect: punctuation marks such as commas, periods and vertical bars | are not represented correctly in math equations. But this seems to be the best we can do with the available Computer Modern fonts.
Among the fonts installed by this set of files are the ones used by the
package. This is a somewhat more playful-looking font, but it actually works very well with Illustrator CS2/3 (not with CS!). If you want to try this font, add the lineusepackage[mathbf]{euler}
to the preamble of your latex document. Both latex and pdflatex produce output that maintains its appearance in Illustrator CS2. The picture on the right shows an example of Euler font, composed using LaTeXit. - Drag the whole Folder into the Directory
- Alternatively, you may want to avoid the Computer Modern Fonts altogether. This is what I would suggest as the best solution (to my knowledge). You do this by including the following in the Preamble of your LaTeX document (after any other packages that affect fonts):
What this does is not at all obvious from the name of the package: in an up-to-date version of LaTeX, this command invokes thebelleek
fonts which are free and part of any standard teTeX distribution. These fonts can be translated straightforwardly into a format that can be installed under Mac OS X. The picture on the right illustrates the appearance of these fonts for the same code as above.- Download the fonts here. I created these fonts with FontForge, and anyone can do the same because this is freeware, applied to free fonts. I have verified that they do not interfere with any of the applications I use; neither have I received any reports of any problems whatsoever. So this download, provided here only for your convenience, is safe to the best of my knowledge, but I take no responsibility for any problems you may encounter (just in case: any fonts you install in MaC OS X can also be removed again using FontBook).
- There are three files in this archive. To make sure they are installed correctly, open the
Font Book
application, highlightAll Fonts
to display the list of system fonts, and click the '+' underneath that list to add fonts. Then choose the three files in the belleek directory you downloaded. You should then have the followng new entries in the Fontbook listing:BLEX
. - To use the new fonts, insert
at the end of your LaTeX preamble. Instead of usingpdflatex
as I usually do, uselatex
followed bydvipdf
for documents that are intended to be imported to Illustrator. - After restarting Adobe Illustrator, you should now be able to read any LaTeX formula, including punctuation, into Illustrator.
- Here I'll list the problems that I'm aware of:
- Avoid the
package: to get bold math, usemathbf{}
instead ofbm{}
in your formulas. - Using
followed bydvipdf
may work better thanpdflatex
. If I usepdflatex file.tex
, not all glyphs show up correctly in Illustrator. This is why I have set the default composition method inLaTeXiT
. - When feeding the PDF formula (generated above as 'file.pdf' or 'newfile.pdf') into Illustrator, outlines may be created for some characters (in particular for integrals, sums, etc.). Also, to add text within Illustrator, you can't use the Belleek fonts themselves because glyphs for the regular alphabet are not present. This is not a real problem because once you're in Illustratotr there are of course numerous alternative fonts to choose from.
- Avoid the
- Here is a template LaTeX document that can be processed with
, followed bydvipdf
: I've tried much more complicated sources with many aditional styles (such as AMS packages), and the only problems I encountered are the ones listed above. - When using PDFLaTeX, it is useful to start the LaTeX file with
, which makes the bounding box of the output fit the dimensions of your formula. If you don't use this class, (e.g. because you are following thelatex
route), the same effect can be achieved by adding the following step after thedvipdf
stage:pdfcrop filename.pdf
This produces the outputfilename-crop.pdf
Once you're done editing in Illustrator, converting all text to outline is probably advisable in any case to be on the safe side if you want to send an Illustrator file with LaTeX annotation to someone else. Select all artwork, then go to Illustrator's Type Menu to perform this conversion. This will insure that your figure will display text in the same style even on systems that don't have the above LaTeX fonts installed.
- The Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font creation project provides a free set of fonts that can be used across platforms and applications, specifically aimed at scientists who use TeX typesetting. You can use these fonts with
. The reason why I don't say much aboutXeTeX/XeLaTeX
here is that it increases the risk that other users will not be able to read the resulting PDF if they are missing specicific fonts installed only on the author's system. With the STIX fonts now being freely available, one can imagine that they will one day be installed be default on most operating systems. This would significantly enhance the portability ofXeLaTeX
-generated scientific papers.
For LaTeX documents with lots of styles and options loaded, it's quite likely that an arbitrarily selected PDF clipping will still encounter font substitution problems in Illustrator, but at least the steps described above should give good results if you trim down the LaTeX source code enough. After all, we are talking mainly about annotating illustrations here (and not about assimilating whole papers into Illustrator), and within that limited context you should be fine with what we have at this point. If not, go back to the quick fix.
Other graphics software
There are many other graphics programs. A good place to find out what's available and which technologies are being developed: the Wikipedia web site's lists of vector and bitmap graphics applications. Here are my favorite free graphics programs:
Buy Gotham Font For Mac
- GraphicConverter has been around as shareware since the days of the Classic Mac, and it's one of the best tools ever made. On some Macs, it came pre-installed and free. If you don't have it, it will cost a shareware fee unless you are willing to endure a lengthy countdown before the program starts.
- Seashore is a lean but useable Mac OS X freeware application that allows you to draw simple images using layers and transparency. It can use all the installed fonts, and has some degree of compatibility with the Gimp (described below).
After a long hiatus, development of Seashore has picked up again in 2010, so I recommend taking a look at it, though I personally use Gimp instead of Seashore.If you are still using it, you may also want to have a look at a separate page where I explain how transparency works in Seashore.
- ImageMagick is like an X-window counterpart to GraphicConverter, but is actually a whole set of tools that I often use from the command line and in scripts. In particular, its
command line utility is invaluable. You can get ImageMagick for X11 from fink. See also my general installation instructions. Theconvert
utility recognizes a huge number of graphics formats. One problem that I had temporarily was that convert lost its ability to crop images automatically (the command for this used to beconvert -crop 0x0
). Here is a workaround for this. However, in the most recent version from fink, it seems to be no problem to crop images using the alternative commandconvert -trim
instead. - The Gimp is an extremely powerful graphics manipulation package, comparable to Abobe's Photoshop. Calling this a tool would be an understatement. I started using Gimp on UNIX machines in 1997, initially because graphics editing on my little Mac sometimes exhausted the memory capacity. Gimp was ideal back then because it handles layers and transparency. It can do extremely intelligent things to your bitmap images. Its user interface is not Mac like, so it will take some getting-used to; a small price to pay, in my opinion. Especially since the latest Gimp versions are Mac OS X native application bundles.
- Sumo Paint is a new web application in Flash. Its user interface is similar to Photoshop, and more intuitive than Gimp's. It has some very advanced features based on the powerful graphics capabilities of Adobe Flash. You should have a fast computer and fast internet connection to use this browser-based program, but in general the usability is excellent for modest illustration or sketching purposes. The advantage is that you don't have to install anything (except the ubiquitous Flash Player) to get going.
Browser-based applications, online or offline
- Aviary 'Raven' is a free, flash-based online vector editor. In terms of having a complete
Creative Suite
available online, this would be the best choice. Aviary offers several other online applications that can inter-operate with each other. This includes a node-based effects editor (reminiscent of Blender), a bitmap editor (see above) and even an audio editor. SVG-Edit is an SVG based editor that can be used off-line but runs in your browser. Its user interface is superficially like that of Inkscape, but it may be preferable to some people because its smaller feature set and platform independence makes it more manageable. The editor supports layers, can import bitmap images and can export as a
string. However, the easiest way to import and export SVG images in this program is to click the SVG source view and copy the verbatim source code to and from an editor (such as emacs). This is possible because SVG is not a binary format but a human-readable XML format.To view an
file, you can always use a web browser (Safari/Firefox/Camino/Opera). But what if you want to includeSVG
in another document such as a LaTeX-generatedPDF
? With browser-based solutions such as SVG-Edit, there is no direct PDF export, but you can simplyPrint to PDF
, or use the printPreview
button (Mac OS X) to open the file inPreview
. Once in, you can use theSelect
tool to make a copy with the desired dimensions and process the vector graphics further (even additional annotations can be introduced with Prevoew's tools).
X11 Applications
The programs listed below run in the X-window environment, and can handle fonts to a certain extent. It's just a bit more work to make sure Mathematia and other fonts are also installed in the proper X11 font directory. The maturity of open-source graphics software is impressive. As mentioned above, you get all this through fink.
Free Fonts Gotham Book
- Inkscape is almost an Adobe Illustrator replacement. It's got pretty good support for text annotation, but I do have problems with missing fonts sometimes: eps images created in Illustrator can be imported, but only if one first converts all fonts to outline. The EPS import relies on the
utility, and therefore will have its limitations, too. Beginning with version 0.45, Inkscape can import PDF files directly. There's a Mac OS X binary available at the project web site.Note that for Snow Leopard, I had to set the X11 preferences as shown in this screenshot on the right.If you don't uncheck the 'Update Pasteboard when CLIPBOARD changes' box, Inkscape doesn't let you paste anything on its canvas.
Inkscape has some unique features. For example the ability to make tilings of the plane using any of the two-dimensional space groups. This is something one could get for the Classic Mac under the name Tesselmania!. Very instructive, not just for kids.